Task 2: Racing game :)
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Task 2: Racing game :)
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
I group: ROAD
car, bus / coach, motorbike / motorcycle, taxi, truck / lorry, van, tractor, bicycle, fire engine
II group: WATER
ferry, ship, boat
III group: RAIL
train, tram
IV group: AIR
plane / airplane, helicopter, hot-air balloon, drone, cable car
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Must / Mustn't
Task 1: Must or mustn't
Task 2: Must or mustn't
Task 4: Mixed modals - test
Koosta Padletis postitus enda teemal. Lisa postitusse vähemalt 5 reeglit (mida võib ja mida ei tohi teha). Kui jõuad lisa sobiv pilt. Palun trüki laused korralikult - suur algustäht, kirjavahemärgid. Postitusele lisa enda teema pealkirjaks ja lõppu lisa enda nimi. Kui sa postitust alustad, siis ära vahepeal Padleti lehte kinni pane, sest siis sa pead algusest alustama.
Padlet: Click here
Ranno: in the English classroom
Catta: in the street
Meleri: in the playground
Mirell: in the theatre
Eliisa: at the beach
Mialy: in the park
Karl G.: in the school canteen
Karl M.: in the cafe
Mia: in the library
Lukas: on the train
Tõnu: at the zoo
Emma: in the kitchen
Karl H.: at my friend's house
Unit 10: WB CHECK
WB ex 2/74
2) litter, 3) fountain, 4) playground, 5) flowers, 6) path
WB ex 1/75
2) mustn't, 3) must, 4) mustn't, 5) mustn't
WB ex 2/75
2) must be, 3) must do, 4) mustn't pick
WB ex 1/76
NB! Pay attention to capital letters and punctuation!
2) You mustn't walk your dog (here). 3) You must put litter in the bin. 4) You mustn't walk on the grass. 5) You must turn off your mobile phone.
WB ex 2/76
2) must, 3) must, 4) mustn't, 5) must, 6) must, 7) mustn't
WB ex 2/77
2) today, 3) play, 4) rain, 5) trains, 6) case, 7) race
WB ex 2/78
a) 2, b) 3, c) 4, d) 1, e) 8, f) 5, g) 7, h) 6, i) 11, j) 12, k) 9, l) 10
WB ex 1/79
2) and, 3) or, 4) and, 5) and, 6) or
WB ex 2/79
2) comics, 3) homework, 4) MP3 player, 5) quiet
Monday, March 11, 2024
Unit 10: Words
Task 1: Say and write in English (Group 1)
1) Sa pead kõndima teeraja peal.
2) Pane prügi prügikasti.
3) Sa ei tohi purskkaevus mängida.
4) Lülita enda telefon välja!
5) Ole tasa, palun.
6) Sa ei tohi fotosid teha siin.
7) Holly ei tohi korjata lilli.
8) Nad peavad pesema enda käsi.
9) Me ei tohi puude otsas ronida.
Task 2: Say and write in English (Group 2)
1) shout
2) chase
3) catch
4) meet
5) cross
6) laugh
7) an old woman
8) gingerbread man
9) angry
10) He can't swim.
11) a / the fox's head
12) mouth
Task 3: Check, rewrite if needed (Group 1)
1) You must walk on the path.
2) Put litter in the bin.
3) You mustn't play in the fountain.
4) Turn off your mobile phone!
5) Be quiet, please.
6) You mustn't take photos here.
7) Holly mustn't pick flowers.
8) They must wash their hands.
9) We mustn't climb the trees.
Task 4: Look at the signs and write the rules
Modal verbs
Task 1: Must or mustn't?
Task 2: Mustn't (ei tohi, pole lubatud) / don't have to (pole vaja, ei pea)
Task 3: Mixed modals
Task 4: Mixed modals - test
Task 5: Can you translate these sentences? (SB p 80-81)
1) Sa ei tohi lilli korjata.
2) Sa ei tohi murul kõndida siin.
3) Sa pead kõndima teerajal.
4) Lähme mänguväljakule.
5) Sa ei tohi mängida purskkaevus.
6) Sa pead mobiiltelefoni välja lülitama. (Mobiiltelefonid peavad olema välja lülitatud)
7) Sa ei tohi fotosid teha. (Fotode tegemine pole lubatud)
8) Sa pead prügi prügikasti panema. (Prügi tuleb prügikasti panna)
9) Sa pead olema tasa. (Tuleb olla vaikselt)
10) Sa pead käsi pesema. (Käsi tuleb pesta)