Sunday, December 11, 2022

IN / ON / AT

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4: Questions Do... / Does...?

Task 8: Prepositions (a bit more difficult)

Now go to Memrise, log in, find word bank PLACES (group 4)

White Fang

 1) wolf pups -             hundikutsikad

2) fierce -                     julge, kiire, äkiline

3)  explores the cave - uurib koobast

4) try to attack -         püüavad rünnata

5) he is becoming -     ta on muutumas

6) growls  -                 uriseb

7) lies down -             heidab pikali

8) decides to keep -     otsustab pidada, alles jätta

9) respects -                 austab

10) wants to escape - tahab põgeneda

11) feeds -                 toidab

12) chases them away - ajab nad minema

13) men can protect - inimesed saavad kaitsta

Task 2

Change the story, so that it becomes YOUR story. 

1) Which animal is your story about?

2) What is he like?

3) What does he do when his mother is not around?

4) What is he like when he gets older?

5) What happens one day?

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Daily activities

Speak about your daily activities using frequency adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, once a week, twice a week etc.

In the morning (till 12.00)
* wake up / get up
* do morning exercises
* get washed / wash / wash my face
* brush my teeth
* make my bed
* get dressed
* comb my hair
*  eat breakfast / have breakfast / make breakfast
* watch cartoons / TV
* read the newspaper / magazines
* walk my dog
* leave for school / leave home
* catch a school bus
* arrive at school / get to school
* eat porridge / have porridge
* play outside, run outside

In the afternoon (till 18.00) 
* have lunch
* go to music, go to art school, go wrestling, play the piano, sing, go to sports club
* buy some ice cream, buy some sweets
* do my homework
* play with my friends, brother, sister
* chat on the Internet, read my e-mail, read my messages
* play computer games, play on my phone, play on my tablet
* ride my bike, play outside, go to the playground
* visit my grandparents

In the evening
* read a book
* help my mum, dad, parents
* take out rubbish
* tidy my room
* do my homework
* have dinner / supper
* do the washing up, load the dishwasher
* have a shower, take a bath, get washed
* pack my school bag
* brush my teeth
* go to bed

Monday, November 7, 2022


WATCH: history

Sept 1620

1) the Mayflower, 102 passengers, about 30 crew members, 4 decks, sails
(food, gunpowder, weapons, animals, tools)

2) from England to America, 65 days, the Atlantic Ocean, big storms

11 December 1620, Plymouth Rock, 101 passengers

3) cold, snowy winter, build houses

4) Native Americans, how to plant, hunt, fish

5) Autumn 1621 - thanksgiving feast, 90 Indians (turkey, fish, cranberries, nuts, pumpkin, lobster, corn)


6) lots of traffic on Wednesday, 5-day holiday, big Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday afternoon, watch football

7) Thanksgiving food

8) on Thursday Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (NYC), Black Friday, big sales, shopping for Christmas

Monday, September 19, 2022

 2) Are you from the USA? - No, I'm not.

3) Is your birthday in August? - Yes, it is.  / No, it isn't. 

4) Is Holly from Australia? - No, she isn't.

5) Is your family from Spain? - No, it isn't. / No, we aren't.

6) Is your birthday in June? - Yes, it is.  / No, it isn't. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Past Simple: Revision

Kas mäletad?

1) Mis järelliide tuleb tegusõna lõppu lisada, et reeglipäraste tegusõnadega minevikuvorm moodustada?
2) Kuidas kirjutad cry + ed? (kui tegusõna lõpus on 1 kaashäälik + y)
3) Kuidas kirjutad play+ed? (kui tegusõna lõpus on 1 täishäälik + y)
4) Kuidas kirjutad plan + ed? (kui tegusõna lõpus on 1 täishäälik + 1 kaashäälik)
5) Kuidas moodustad eitava lause minevikus? Mis sõna abil? Mida teed tegusõnaga?
6) Kuidas moodustad kas-küsimuse minevikus?  Mis sõna abil? Mida teed tegusõnaga?
7) Kuidas moodustad wh-küsimuse minevikus? Tõlgi ja kirjuta.  Millal film algas?

Mine nüüd postituse lõppu ja kuula õpetaja vastuseid neile küsimustele

Vastused küsimustele: Listen

Saturday, May 7, 2022

School Transport in Estonia

1) How do you go to school? Do you live far from school? 

2) How long does it take you?

3) What do you do on your way to school? 

4) Do you go home the same way?

5) What do you do when it's rainy, very cold or snowy?

6) What can you see on your way to school?

7) How do your classmates go to school? Do they live near school?

8) How is school transport different in Japan?

9) What's your favourite way to travel? 

10) Are you happy with the distance between your home and school? 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Unit 12: when we were young....

 Task 1: Padlet click HERE

Task 2: Memrise => Group 4 => 11. Adjectives and comparison (Tee läbi Level 1 ja Level 3)

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Unit 7: monsters University

 Watch a trailer: HERE

Task 1: Retell

1) What type of a film is it?

2) Who are the chacaters?

3) How old is Mike at the beginning of the film?

4) What do the monsters do at night?

5) What does Mike do when he's a teenager?

6) What is Sulley good at?

Task 2: Translate

1) Koletiste kool on komöödia film.

2) Sa võid seda vaadata DVD-lt.

3) Tegelasteks on naljakad koletised.

4) Mike on 6-aastane koletis.

5) Ta elab koletiste maailmas.

6) Palju koletisi töötab seal.

7) Koletised külastavad inimeste maailma öösel. 

8) Nad kasutavad laste karjeid, et energiat teha.

9) Mike tahab saada hirmutavaks koletiseks.

10) Sulley on väga hea inimeste hirmutamises.

11) Nad töötavad koos.

12) Neil on koos töötades lõbus.

13) Näitlejate hääled on suurepärased.

14) Koletised on kohutavalt halvad lauljad.